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my invoice creator project

Invoice Creator

A JavaScript Project

A Scrimba Bootcamp Project

This project involved creating an application where you could enter in a specific task and assign a price to it. Those tasks would then be listed and their totals calculated. It also allows for the removal of any particular item from the list. Clicking the 'Send Invoice' button would then reset the list so you could start over and add new items.

Programming Languages Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Project Requirements

There were 6 main requirements for this project. The first was I needed to create an array to hold all of the tasks that were entered onto the list. The secodn requirement was to create a button that would add each task to this array. The third was displaying the array data and making sure that it changed as the array was updated. The fourth requirement was to ensure that the same item could not be added twice to the list. The fifth was updating the total amount by keeping track of the price assigned to each task as it was added or removed. The last requirement was to have the 'Send Invoice' button reset the entire list.

As extra stretch goals, I added an input field so the user could type in what they wanted rather than choose from predetermined options. The final stretch goal was to be able to remove each specific item from the list.

The GitHub:

Click on the image below to go to the application

invoice creator gif