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my quiz react project

Qizzical App

A React Based Project

A Scrimba FrontEnd Developer Path Project

This project accesses the Open Trivia Database to generate random quizzes. The quiz page generates random questions and the associcated answers to them. The user can then select an answer to each question. Finally, the user can click the chekc answer button to see how many questions they correctly answered.

Programming Languages Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JSX
  • React

Project Requirements

There were 4 main requirements for this project. The first one required me to create 2 screens, a start page and a quiz page. The second requirement was to pull at least 5 questions from the API and display them. The third requirement was to tally all of the correct answers after the 'Check Answers' button was clicked. The final requirement was to style the app according to a Figma file.

The GitHub:

Click on the image below to go to the application

quizical app gif